Our Mission
The mission of Grass Valley Baptist Church is to bring glory and honor to God through faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to His Great Commandment and Great Commission.
‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’
The second is this, ‘you shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.
Mark 12:30-31
And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
Fulfillment of the Mission of Grass Valley Baptist Church requires that we have a clear and common vision of what God has called us to do.
Through unity of vision, quality communication, and the direction of the Holy Spirit, we can then employ specific ministries in fulfillment of our mission. These ministries will be developed on Biblical truths and bathed in prayer.
Although these ministries will certainly change with time and periodic evaluation, all of the ministries will work towards Grass Valley Baptist Church being characterized by the following vision:
We will worship the true and living God in a manner that is focused on who God is, what He has done, and what He has promised to do. Our worship will be Biblical, welcoming and relevant, and will encourage all people to spiritually respond to God.
We will lead all people to serve God and His purposes through the preaching and teaching of God’s inspired and inerrant Word. People will be challenged and encouraged to become like Christ through the disciplines of prayer, giving, fasting, Scripture memory, and Bible study. This discipleship will result in people who are possessing and growing in the fruit of the Spirit.
We will equip and encourage people to regularly share God’s plan of salvation with others in their daily lives and to verify their words through godly living. We will take the gospel message out into the streets of our community and beyond.
We will spread the gospel across Nevada and around the world through our people, prayers, and financial support. We will inform, encourage, and provide opportunities for people to become personally involved in missions.
We will encourage and teach people to understand how God has molded and gifted us to serve. This will focus us on seeking ways we can serve God and others rather than how we can be served by the church. Ministry privileges will be shared to allow each member to serve with excellence.
We will be a church where every attender feels connected to the body of Christ called Grass Valley Baptist Church and has a way to share, grow, and be encouraged regularly. This fellowship will extend beyond personal relationships to include a spiritual unity and respect among our body of believers.
Our church will have godly men serve as pastors and elders who live by the standards given by God for these positions in the Bible. All leaders of our church will be godly examples in all areas of their life and prioritize the development of men, women, and children to be future leaders in their homes, work, church, and community. Following the example of Christ, the leadership of our church will sacrificially put the needs of God and the church before their own desires. Good and godly communication will be a high priority for every church leader and member.
Because of the Biblical importance placed on the family, we will constantly be on guard to protect it from Satan’s attack by strengthening and supporting families in the church and community. We will work with husbands and fathers in exercising their spiritual headship by lovingly leading the family and modeling humble submission to God and others. We will work with wives and mothers in respecting and submitting to their husband’s spiritual leadership and engaging in the family’s plan for the discipleship of the family. We will equip and encourage parents in raising their children to love and serve God. We will encourage children to honor and obey their parents. We will pray for unsaved family members. We will be an extended family to one another as well as to singles, widow(er)s, and orphans in our community.
— Pastor’s Message to Guests —
Jeff Johnson,
Pastor, GVBC
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